Uses and Gratification Theory

Uses and gratification theory (UGT) is an audience-centered approach that focuses on what people do with media, as opposed to what media does to people. UGT explores how individuals deliberately seek out media to fulfill certain needs or goals such as entertainment, relaxation, or socializing. It has been the main theory for decades that explains the purpose of people to media. Because of different age of its consumers, there are the students, politicians, professionals als, there is also the rise of variations of purpose in utilizing the media. It is obviously seen up until now for there are constant watchers of certain television programs. This theory gives us an idea of why TV is important to its consumers. Personally, I use to watch television for some reasons. I usually watch for recreational purposes when I’m bored and there are also times that I use media to learn and be updated of my surroundings. It somehow helps me to be literate and be alert of what’s happening to my country.

     Elihu Katz first introduced the Uses and Gratification Approach, when he came up with the notion that people use the media to their benefit.  The perspective emerged in the early 1970’s as Katz and his two colleagues, Jay Blumler and Michael Gurevitch continued to expand the idea. 

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