Uses and Gratification Theory

Uses and gratification theory (UGT) is an audience-centered approach that focuses on what people do with media, as opposed to what media does to people. UGT explores how individuals deliberately seek out media to fulfill certain needs or goals such as entertainment, relaxation, or socializing. It has been the main theory for decades that explains the purpose of people to media. Because of different age of its consumers, there are the students, politicians, professionals als, there is also the rise of variations of purpose in utilizing the media. It is obviously seen up until now for there are constant watchers of certain television programs. This theory gives us an idea of why TV is important to its consumers. Personally, I use to watch television for some reasons. I usually watch for recreational purposes when I’m bored and there are also times that I use media to learn and be updated of my surroundings. It somehow helps me to be literate and be alert of what’s happening to my country.

     Elihu Katz first introduced the Uses and Gratification Approach, when he came up with the notion that people use the media to their benefit.  The perspective emerged in the early 1970’s as Katz and his two colleagues, Jay Blumler and Michael Gurevitch continued to expand the idea. 

Types of Mass Media

                Proceeding with the types of mass media that was elaborately discussed…

Traditional Media which has three divisions namely:

  1. Print Media which is published on a paper as its medium. This is considered the one of the oldest form of communication during the Spanish period. Examples are newspapers, magazines, journals, and pamphlets. The main advantage of print media is that it is comprehensive and easy to read like when you’re reviewing for your exams, print media is widely used by students because it doesn’t make our eyes feel uncomfortable unlike the use of power points. But the disadvantage is that it is quick to become outdated.
  2. Broadcast Media uses radio waves and signals to communicate over wide distance. The two known mediums of broadcast media are the television and radio. This is a convenient type of mass media for it provides both the audio and the video. This can also gives information to its audience while entertaining. This is widely used in our time today in the Philippines most especially during the evening where families are gathered to watch their favorite primetime show. But the disadvantage of broadcast media is that we have to rely on electricity which costs money.
  3. Film uses of a series of moving images and accompanying sound, usually shown in theaters or via other media such as magnetic tapes, video CDs and DVDs, among others. The good point of a film is that it can easily captures the attention of the audience. But the bad thing of a film is that there has to be restrictions in creating film because not all viewers are old enough, there are also minor audience that has to be educated that is proportion at their age.

In the year 1990, Filipinos are not that fond of watching Philippine movies. But from that time until now, we, the Philippine citizens loved our movies even better that resulted to the rise of many Filipino movies inside and outside the country.

New Media is basically connected to the internet, the social media in particular in many other forms like blogs, online streaming sites, etc.

                I’ve also learned the Media Regulated Bodies which are of two: the MTRCB or the Movie and TV Review and Classification Board and the KBP or the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster sa Pilipinas.

                If there’s a media, more obviously there is an audience that serves as the listeners and viewers of these types of media. And with that, I’ve learned about the difference of the audience between the stakeholders. Audience is basically the spectators in public events or simply the consumer of media products whil the stakeholders are the people who have an interest in media such as the directors and the government.  However, target audience refers to the group of people that was chosen from the selected segment of the population. There are also the kinds of audience which is (1st) Broad Audience which is obviously the general audience, (2nd) Niche Audience which refers to the specific subset of audience, (3rd) Audience Demographics those that are focused on a particular sector and (4th) Psychographics.


Codes are referred to the signs and symbols which create meaning in the field of media. Conventions are the ways codes are organized in a media while symbolic codes reflects what is beneath the surface of what we see in media, technical codes is which the way equipment was used In the story, and the written code and form conventions. There are these concepts that I also learned from this topic: setting- the time and place where a story takes place, acting- portrayal of the character through gestures or facial expression and may other terms.

What I mostly learned from the chapter 2 of our discussion is the story conventions which I love to master on how to make a narrative structure that composes the exposition to the climax, and to the resolution. This was tackled many times in our literature subject that’s why I had a background about this. All in all, I felt like I’m a pro at the end of the discussion because I enhanced my imagination throughout the journey of our discussion. And I’m looking forward to more interesting learning most specially in terms of filming itself.


                Scanning my subjects on my 2nd term in UST Senior High, I’ve seen three letters: the M-I-L. It eventually led me to excitement because of I knew that this was all about filming and all. But suddenly asked myself, was it all about the camera or the script?

                On the second of day of our classes, Media Information Literacy (MIL) was introduced to us by our teacher. And by that, I’ve learned different concepts behind this subject. One is that being literate is not only the person that is able to read and write but these are the persons that is capable of solving problems and is a critical thinker. Through the word “media” we can say that it somehow connects to communication and even technology. Media has three main types: Mass Media, Traditional Media, and New Media.

Mass Media- refers to a communication channel that’s purpose is to reach a wide range of audience. Examples are television, radio, books, or even the internet.

                Mass media can also be classified according to ownership which are indicated below:

  1. Mainstream Media are those managed by large companies like ABS-CBN or Cartoon Network.
  2. Independent Media are those operated by independent film makers.
  3. Alternative Media are the small media groups (journalism) that do not have space in mainstream media.
  4. State-owned Media are those funded by the government.

Traditional Media– which have been developed before the birth of the internet and are of three types: print, broadcast, and film.

New Media– anything that is included in the internet: youtube, facebook, google, etc.

                Media Literacy is the ability to analyze, access, and to create media. Through this, we can know how important media is to the society. We can be able to be skilled in exposing to different types of media which is a key for the whole country or even the world’s development.

                Technology Literacy is the capacity of an individual to get pertinent informations and uses technology (phone, internet, computer) to evaluate or even comprehend the information. Through our engagement in higher forms of technology, we are able to be efficient and more accurate to communicate from the different parts of the world.

                Information Literacy is the expertise of an individual to recognize when information is needed and how we can use it effectively. And the most common importance of media is that it highly influences its audience using different mediums of discerning information which allows them to be more crucial and competent in applying the sense of what they’re learning on their daily lives.

                Through learning the 1st chapter of Media Information Literacy, I’ve also learned the characteristics that composes a media. One is that creating contents of a media requires a careful listing of what is conveyed to the mass. Second is that media industry is most of a business like GMA and ABS-CBN. Third is that media can be interpreted in many ways based on the audience’s life experience. Fourth is that media can be social or political. What is happening on today’s community can be seen through media. We just have to be critic in interpreting the hidden message of a particular media. And last but not the least, media uses aesthetics depending on the preference of the people behind the making.